Same Day, Fixed Time, Mid Night Delivery is an online flowers and cakes delivery website, which is registered with the government of India. We believe in maintaining the privacy of users who visit and shop from our website. We maintain and protect the privacy of our users by following the privacy terms mentioned below.

Why do we collect the information of users?

a. To verify user details.
b. Delivery details of the order.
c. For promotional activities.
d. To advertise offers/discounts.

What is the Basic information that we collect?

a. Name
b. Phone Number
c. Email id
d. Address
e. Age
f. Sex
g. Payment Details.

When you place an order, the details you provide will be shared with our banking and distribution partners to guarantee that your order is completed and delivered successfully. We will only share relevant information with these parties, and all of them are required to keep your information private.

There will be no requests for sensitive information about the users.

Until and unless the user gives us the permission, will not send the user any emails in the future (Except for its to confirm orders, deliver packages/delivery status, or provide feedback).

We automatically log certain information about how you use our website for each new visitor to the site. We employ a feature known as a "cookie" which contains information that is saved on your computer hard drive for record-keeping purposes if your computer browser is set up to accept them. Cookies allow us to improve the usability of our website by storing information about your preferences.

The approval of the Customer to share information with its distributors and banking organisations is assumed to be understood. reserves the right to change its policy at any time. If we make any significant changes to how we use user personal information, we will notify the user by email or a website announcement.

Please contact us at if you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy.

Thank you for visiting and shopping at